Entries tagged "HTML"

Remove Test Code Quickly with a Simple Dreamweaver Search

Adding test code throughout your scripts may be necessary for troubleshooting or adding new features, but how do you go about removing the code? In a previous post, a few techniques for locating the blocks of test code were discussed, but the code still needs to manually removed. Instead, let's tap into Dreamweaver's search for HTML tag feature. [Continue reading]

Sorting Complicated Lists with PHP When A Database Isn’t Necessary

Websites commonly have content that's sorted in some fashion. For larger projects, utilizing a database may be optimal. But what about those smaller projects? When displaying a short list of advisory board members, for example, I typically go straight to HTML and my grand knowledge of the ABCs. That may work in the short run, but eventually mistakes happen. We can minimize the risk by leveraging PHP for sorting complicated lists. [Continue reading]

Simple Bar Graphs Made Dynamic with PHP

The simple bar graph shown last week could be utilized to generate charts on the fly. This is great for showing responses from an online survey and other data collection methods. All that's needed is a scripting language such as PHP and direct access to the data. [Continue reading]

Creating Simple Bar Graphs with HTML

Looking for a quick and dirty way to make bar charts? While digging through old code, I stumbled across some simple HTML code for generating bar charts. I'm sure there are better ways to make fancier graphs, but I thought it would be fun to share this old-school technique. [Continue reading]

Naming Your HTML Form Fields with an Associative Array

When using database entries to dynamically build HTML forms, how do you go about naming the form fields? Do you name them "Field1", "Field2′, etc.? Or do you have a more efficient way to access the fields when processing the form submissions? If you haven't tried using an array as the name, you may be missing out. [Continue reading]

Making HTML Forms More Accessible and Improving Usability with the Label Tag

It's surprising that there are still HTML forms online not taking advantage of the <label> tag. In addition to being required for creating accessible forms, <label> tags improve the usability of forms. For example, instead of forcing visitors to click those tiny radio buttons, why not let them to click the text label. [Continue reading]

Generate Usernames with JavaScript: Working with Short Last Names

When generating usernames, one thing to consider is the length of the username. The code from last week's post may be problematic if you're looking for the username to be five characters or more and the user's last name is only two characters. After tacking on the first initial, you would only have three characters. So let's look at getting closer to the desired results. [Continue reading]

Using JavaScript to Dynamically Generate the Username within an HTML Form

Usernames are typically made up of some combination of the user's first and last name. If that's the case, the form used to create those usernames could be modified to take advantage of the data in the first and last name fields. Instead of making someone manually type the username, JavaScript could be employed to generate it automatically. [Continue reading]

Slicing Strings with PHP: Be Mindful of Output that Contains HTML Tags

When experimenting with strings which contain HTML code, be mindful of what you're getting for output. Especially if there is something unexpected about the results. That's what I learned the hard way when extracting an open anchor tag from the source code of a web page. The variables used to locate the anchor tag appeared to be working, but for some reason the extracted code wouldn't display to the screen. Let's take a look at where I went wrong. [Continue reading]

Sorting HTML Data Tables Part 2: Dynamically Sort in Ascending and Descending Order

In last week's post we looked at dynamically sorting HTML data tables. But we only talked about sorting the columns in either ascending or descending. If the user is looking for a last name that appears near the end of the alphabet and the column is sorted from A to Z, they may have a lot of names to go through before finding the one they want. Instead we could provide an option for sorting in both descending and ascending order. [Continue reading]