Entries tagged "Facebook"

The Pros and Cons of Google+

Over the past week, I've been digging through my potential blog post list, but nothing spoke to me. Then, inspiration hit when corresponding with a few Twitter friends about Google+. This won't be the timeliest post, but then again that's not the goal for this blog. Hopefully this will be helpful for those who haven't jumped onto the Google+ bandwagon or are struggling to see the value of using another social networking tool. Or maybe you're good with what you have. [Continue reading]

Using Custom Picture Thumbnails When Sharing Links on Facebook

When posting links to Facebook, the service usually searches the page for images to use along with the post. But Facebook seems to randomly ignore some pictures or fails to see any at all. If this is a common occurrence for the pages you maintain, there is a way to force Facebook to recognize an image. [Continue reading]

Quickly Switching Views for Facebook Fan Pages

Well it turns out that my previous post titled "Facebook Fan Pages No Longer Require Switching Views to See Notifications" needed to sit in the incubator a little longer. But instead of taking the blame, let's just say that Facebook updated their features shortly after my post… [Continue reading]

Modify Automated Information When Sharing Links on Facebook

When sharing links to Facebook, did you know that you can modify the title and description chosen for the link? Facebook usually does a decent job pulling this information from the website, but what if it doesn't. Or maybe you want the description to focus on another aspect of the page. Well with a few easy steps, you can show Facebook who's boss…kind of. [Continue reading]

Facebook Fan Pages No Longer Require Switching Views to See Notifications

If you manage a Facebook "fan" page, you're probably aware that a feature was added earlier this year which notifies us when people comment on our page or post something to our wall. Before seeing these notifications though, we needed to click that "Use Facebook as Your Organization's Name" link. But Facebook recently changed the process…for the better. [Continue reading]

Facebook Pages for Organizations Now Easier to Manage Due to Recent Update

In late 2010, I began maintaining Facebook pages for a couple organizations. Managing pages is relatively simple in the early stages, but I feared how difficult it would get as we posted more and when visitors comment more often. Unlike personal pages, Facebook didn't tell us when someone comments on our page…until now. [Continue reading]

Facebook's New Spam Filter

If you have a Community or Official Facebook Page, you've probably seen a message that says "Check Your Spam Filter – Posts likely to be spam appear here. You can review, remove or approve these posts at any time. Learn more." (See Figure 1)

Facebook - Spam Filter Message
Figure 1. Spam Filter Notice

Unfortunatally, the meaning behind the message isn't very clear. My first thought upon reading the message was that someone attempted to post "spam" on my page. Then my next thought was "Facebook has a spam filter?" So naturally I started looking for the filter, but couldn't find it anywhere. When I clicked the "Learn more" link in the message, it just brought me to a Facebook help page that listed a bunch of unrelated help information. Toward the end of the list I found the information related to the spam filter, but it didn't say anything about where to find it. So the next step was to check Google.

Well I quickly found a website that mentioned the spam filter should be located under "What's on your mind?" box. I also found out that the message wasn't telling me that I had spam; instead this was Facebook's way of announcing their new spam filter.

Where is the Spam Filter?

With the way Community and Official Pages are currently set up on Facebook there is a good chance that the spam filter is hidden. Under the "What's on your mind?" box, you should see an "Options" link. (See Figure 2) If you click the "Options" link you should see the spam filter along with a few other ways to see your Wall. (See Figure 3)

Facebook - Options Link
Figure 2. Options Link
Facebook - Spam Filter Link
Figure 3. Spam Filter

Facebook’s New Spam Filter

If you have a Community or Official Facebook Page, you've probably seen a message that says "Check Your Spam Filter – Posts likely to be spam appear here. You can review, remove or approve these posts at any time. Learn more." (See Figure 1)

Facebook - Spam Filter Message
Figure 1. Spam Filter Notice

Unfortunatally, the meaning behind the message isn't very clear. My first thought upon reading the message was that someone attempted to post "spam" on my page. Then my next thought was "Facebook has a spam filter?" So naturally I started looking for the filter, but couldn't find it anywhere. When I clicked the "Learn more" link in the message, it just brought me to a Facebook help page that listed a bunch of unrelated help information. Toward the end of the list I found the information related to the spam filter, but it didn't say anything about where to find it. So the next step was to check Google.

Well I quickly found a website that mentioned the spam filter should be located under "What's on your mind?" box. I also found out that the message wasn't telling me that I had spam; instead this was Facebook's way of announcing their new spam filter.

Where is the Spam Filter?

With the way Community and Official Pages are currently set up on Facebook there is a good chance that the spam filter is hidden. Under the "What's on your mind?" box, you should see an "Options" link. (See Figure 2) If you click the "Options" link you should see the spam filter along with a few other ways to see your Wall. (See Figure 3)

Facebook - Options Link
Figure 2. Options Link
Facebook - Spam Filter Link
Figure 3. Spam Filter