Entries tagged "archive"

Log Online Form Requests Part 2: Add the Field Separator Dynamically with implode()

When saving data to text files, each field is usually separated by something like the pipe character (|). The character is useful for importing and dividing the fields into a spreadsheet solution like Microsoft Excel. Normally, I add the character between each field manually, but there's an alternate using PHP's implode() function. [Continue reading]

Log Online Form Requests in Case Something Happens with the E-mailed Results

When building data-collection forms online, clients occasionally want the information sent directly to them via e-mail. Although it's convenient, there are issues with that delivery method. Spam filters may catch the messages. Messages may be overlooked and accidentally deleted due to the sheer number of e-mails a person receives per day. Or something could just go wrong with the mail server and the message never gets sent. With all the potential ways for e-mails to get lost, it's important to backup the information collected. One backup option is to store the data into a text file. [Continue reading]

Archiving Old Code after Major Updates

After making major changes to a web page what do you do with the previous version? You could toss the old code since it's unlikely to be needed again. However, that time may come. Perhaps someone discovers a critical bug that slipped through the cracks. Until fixed, it may be beneficial to revert back to a fully-functional version. With that in mind, let's take a look at archiving. [Continue reading]

Maintaining a Hidden Content Archive Within a PHP Page

Do you have content that cycles regularly, such as a news feed, events calendar, etc. If so, there's a good chance that the current entries would serve as useful templates for future updates. "But where do I store these content templates?" Hey, thanks for asking. If you normally delete old information and are unsure where/how to archive it, let's take a closer look at one of the methods described in last week's post (Three Simple Methods for Hiding Website Content Until It’s Ready)—hiding content with PHP comments. [Continue reading]

Three Simple Methods for Hiding Website Content Until It’s Ready

How do you handle content that needs to be temporarily removed from a website? Maybe there is some text that gets recycled on a regular basis or something that hasn't been approved for posting yet. HTML comments could be utilized to hide everything until it's ready to go live. Just keep in mind that the content is still accessible via the browser for those who know where to look. If that's an issue, the information could be moved to a separate file and saved offline…or you could use PHP comments. [Continue reading]