Calculating the Distance between Zip Codes Using the Google Maps API – Part 2

Last week, we went over the basics for accessing the Google Maps API and calculating mileage between zip codes with Google's Distance Matrix service. The problem is that the service only lets us work with 25 origin and 25 destination points at a time. A custom solution is needed to go beyond that. [Continue reading]

Calculating the Distance between Zip Codes Using the Google Maps API – Part 1

A request came in recently to develop a feature for getting a list of organizations near a zip code provided by the user. They're looking for something very similar to a jobs website where you can narrow the search results to show only the ones within a 50 or 100 mile radius. The Google Maps API and Google's Distance Matrix service seem like great solutions for the problem. [Continue reading]

Formatting Dates within the MySQL Query

Before displaying dates from a MySQL database, do you change the format? If so, how are you formatting those dates? For me, I typically went straight to PHP for the answer. That is until it was brought to my attention that MySQL has a built in function for formatting dates. Let's talk about the date_format() function. [Continue reading]

Troubleshooting with var_dump()

When code doesn't perform properly, checking that the variables contain what you expect is an important step in solving the problem. Was the value ever assigned to the variable? Does the variable still contain the value? Is the value formatted for the given the scenario? Let's look at some options for finding out. [Continue reading]

Sending E-mails in the Future with Outlook’s Delay Delivery Feature

Have you needed to remind someone about a topic at a later date? If so, do you typically need someone to remind you to send the reminder? Instead of assuming that you'll remember or adding another sticky note to your monitor, let's look at utilizing Outlook's Delay Delivery feature. [Continue reading]

Simple Bar Graphs Made Dynamic with PHP

The simple bar graph shown last week could be utilized to generate charts on the fly. This is great for showing responses from an online survey and other data collection methods. All that's needed is a scripting language such as PHP and direct access to the data. [Continue reading]

Creating Simple Bar Graphs with HTML

Looking for a quick and dirty way to make bar charts? While digging through old code, I stumbled across some simple HTML code for generating bar charts. I'm sure there are better ways to make fancier graphs, but I thought it would be fun to share this old-school technique. [Continue reading]

Software Update Reset My Dreamweaver Workspace

Last week my Dreamweaver was patched via the Adobe Updater. After restarting, I noticed that my workspace had changed. Panels were in the wrong place. My custom code color options were removed—along with my Snippets. Well, it turns out that the fix was quite simple. So I thought I would take a few minutes to share. Note: the information presented is based Dreamweaver CS5.5 (Version 11.5 Build 5366) for Windows 7. [Continue reading]

Hiding Browser Windows with Chrome Toolbox

The more I use Google Chrome, the more it bothers me that the browser doesn't prevent windows with multiple tabs from being accidental closing. Other browsers have a warning before the window closes. At least there are browser extensions, such as Chrome Toolbox, to make up for the shortcoming. As an added bonus, Chrome Toolbox adds shortcuts for hiding browser windows. [Continue reading]

Sorting Two MySQL Table Columns as One

How do you sort database entries chronologically when there are two different date fields? One shows when the entry was updated. The other indicates when it was created. If the developer didn't have the hindsight to set both fields to the same date when an entry is created, how do you work with the fields for sorting? [Continue reading]